New task force to work on youth drug/alcohol abuse

Posted on: June 26th, 2015 by sobrietyresources


A local Drug Prevention Task Force is working to receive a grant to help prevent drug and alcohol abuse in area youth. Teaming up with different groups such as the Daviess Community Hospital, Southwest Indiana Meth Alliance, the Local Coordinating Council, Samaritan Center, the task force will coordinate the effort in lowering the substance abuse problem for area youth.

“With this grant in mind and other entities, like the hospital, weighing in and being interested in pursuing preventative activities to reduce alcohol and drug abuse in the community, we thought let’s jump start this process,” said LLC member Terry Cohen.

Right now, the subcommittee is in the process of developing a prevention coalition group for the grant. The task force is going to continue this effort after the feedback received from city and county leaders.

The potential grant calls for 12 specific sectors to be represented, including: youth, parents, business, media, school, youth-serving organizations, law enforcement, religious/fraternal organizations, civic/volunteer groups, healthcare professionals, state, local, or a tribal governmental agency with expertise in the field of substance abuse, and another organization involved in reducing substance abuse.

“Requirements for the grant we are seeking is to have all the sectors filled and everything in place by Aug. 1,” said Vice President of Nursing at DCH Jennifer Huston.

Back in 2013, DCH conducted a needs assessment to identify the six top priorities, and youth drug and alcohol abuse was one area that needed addressed. Subcommittees were formed to address each of the main needs in the community.

Then, on April 13, leaders were brought together for a luncheon at DCH to focus specifically on preventative measures and trying to change the culture of the county.

The new task force is now meeting once a month to discuss a plan action to tackle the issue.

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