
KratomKratom is a tropical tree that grows in Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar and other areas in Southeast Asia. It has been used as a recreational drug around the world. The kratom tree can grow quite large, reaching heights of 50 feet with a spread of 15 feet or more. Individuals consume its leaves which produce both stimulant effects (in low doses) and sedative effects (in high doses). Kratom is not regulated under the Controlled Substances Act. There is no legitimate medicinal use for Kratom in the United States. However, it is marketed on the internet as an “alternative medicine” for pain relief, diarrhea and for the treatment of opiate addiction. Kratom is legal in the United States but is on the Drug Enforcement Administration’s list of “drugs and chemicals of concern.”

The leaves from Kratom trees are widely available on the Internet. Individuals can purchase the leaves (whole or crushed), powder, extract, encapsulated powder and resin “pies” (pellets made from reduced extract). The most popular method of abuse of kratom is when users ingest it as a tea. Chewing or smoking kratom leaves are also methods of abuse. At low doses (10 grams), kratom produces stimulant effects with users reporting increased alertness, physical energy, talkativeness and sociable behavior. On the other hand, when individuals take high doses (20-50 grams) they experience sedative effects that are said to be profoundly euphoric and immensely pleasurable. Any effects from using katrom occur within five to ten minutes after ingestion and last for two to five hours.

Frequent kratom consumption can easily form into an addiction. Individuals addicted to kratom can exhibit psychotic symptoms including; hallucinations, delusions and confusion. The physical affects that kratom has on the body include; nausea, itching, sweating, dry mouth, constipation, increased urination and loss of appetite. When individuals are withdrawing from kratom they frequently experience these effects; hostility towards others, aggression, mood swings, runny nose, achy muscles and bones and jerky movement of the limbs. Long-term users of kratom have experienced anorexia, weight loss, insomnia, skin darkening, dry mouth, frequent urination and constipation.

Street names of kratom include: Thang, Kakuam, Thom, Ketum and Biak. The dominant effects of kratom are similar to those of psychostimulant drugs.

If you or someone you love has a problem with Kratom, call our professionals at Sobriety Resources (855)289-2640 today to experience the freedom of sobriety.

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